Saturday, November 29, 2008

Next stop Angola

After spending only two days in Durban, South Africa, I've set sail for Luanda, Angola.  The weather is windy and rainy and the seas, choppy.  Most are happy to see the port go.  Evidently, the booze was cheap and the crew was ready to get back to sea.  I arrived on no sleep, managed only two hours the first night and none the second night due to jet lag and work issues.  So, I never even made it out for a night on the town.  The entire crew went out last night and tore up the town.  I crawled into my rack and slept 18 hours-a big, black thing that was hard to crawl out from under this afternoon.  Slept through half of my shift, in fact.

Anyhoo, I'm heading South and will post next from the fabled Cape Horn, Where the Indian meets the Atlantic...

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