Sunday, November 16, 2008

For want of a buck...

My freezer remains empty.  Somebody needs to tell the MI DNR that the UP doesn't need yet another antler restriction.  All we need to to do is shoot a few of these F%&KING DOES!!

Yes, that is SIX does eating my bait faster than I can stock the pile and not a buck in sight.  What you can't see are the three other does that managed to consistently evade my camera while helping the other bitches to clean me out.  Other than the ladies, I've only seen one buck since opening morning.  He came into my bait pile, but was so scrawny I let him pass.  Another hunter standing on the ridge just above me shot him less than a minute after he walked off the pile.  No, I was not pleased to see him take a bullet after I gave him a pass, nor was I pleased that some dumbass shot him in sight of my blind, bait pile and pickup.


Anonymous said...

I do have antlers and superglue.
just in case.

Fyremandoug said...

those are some fat old ladies....damn

Blondie said...

hahahahahahaha. There are deer EVERYWHERE around here. I almost ran over two bucks on the way home the other night. Come to Iowa--they outnumber the human population.