Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Time Flies and stuff...

Looking at the calendar, it's hard to believe I left home 7 days ago.  In reality, it's only been 6 days, what with the International Dateline magic, but it doesn't seem like 6 days, either.  I've been balls-to-the-wall busy since arriving and as usual, traveling half way around the world is a small nightmare of O.J. dashes through airports, baggage woes and language barriers.  Still, nearly a week!!

I've not managed to get my laptop connected, so no photos, but I'm trying.  I came across a poster about the color of your pee, in one of the common heads and I'm dying to post a photo of it.  Can you imagine your bosses being concerned about the color of your pee?  Mine are.  Really.

I'm mourning the loss of the Queen's blog, but these things happen as anyone who used to read LOAP knows.  Damn shame, but I totally understand as long as I get another book installment, ahem...

The cooks onboard prepare a midnight meal.  SWEET!  However, that means when I woke up, I had steak and corn for breakfast...

Finally, my pee looks quite normal (to me, anyway) and that's all I have at 3am down here in the Southern.


Anonymous said...

Queen will live forever in the escort service.

eat a shit load of beets for pee's sake.

OMG. i have like 1/2 hour off, the boys are at moms, no calls, plowings done. what'll i do?
i think i'll masterbate.
hmmmm..if i can remember how.

Anonymous said...

Yellow pee = need more water. Can't wait to see the poster. I'm not too happy either about Queen tossing in the blogging towel.

Fyremandoug said...

Hey I popped in to say howdy and Cowboy junkies start singing Sweet Jane to me...I love that song Dude
Peace out be cool and live long and prosper