So, I really have no pity for those people that think they need a pill to cure every little ill that befalls them. I'm a kind of suck it up, eat right, exercise and don't sweat the small stuff, guy. Overweight? Make your calories in are less than your calories burned. Want to quit smoking? Grow a pair, eat some fucking celery and do the right thing.
Well, I may be a prick, but I'm not ashamed to admit when I'm wrong. Quitting smoking has been tougher than I thought and as I mentioned yesterday, I've resorted to the patch. The Patch. Twenty-one milligrams of bliss and wonder at why I ever started smoking in the first place (To cover up the smell of the other shit I smoked as a teenager). So, other than the tingly, itchy feeling, I am in love with the patch and seem to be inordantly cheery today. Today, I reccommend pills, patches, nasal sprays and anal suppositories for everyone! In fact, if you want to save yourself $76.99, line up and I'll deposit that suppository with a flourish and a smile:)

that photo makes me want to hurl. oh wait, i just did. damn it.
I don't watch TV except for what's on the news at the gym in the mornings. I can tell you what commercials come on every day. Always included is at least one erectile dysfunction medication. At 4:30 am. That, male hair coloring, and a specific rental car company. So, if you can't get get it up (while on the beach in a bathtub) rent a car or dye your hair.
huh. it's non-returnable. damn.
i'm working on an improved model of the suppository inserter. based on the potato gun.
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