Whenever there is injustice, you will find us.
Wherever there is suffering, we'll be there.
Whenever liberty is threatened you will find...
The Three Amigos!!
Wherever there is suffering, we'll be there.
Whenever liberty is threatened you will find...
The Three Amigos!!

These three, that I have dubbed The Three Amigos are actually better known as the the Leo Triplet, but I'm not an astronomer so I name them as I see fit, which would probably give my galaxy-classifying cohorts, fits. Whatever, these three fine examples were brought to by way of this, NGC 3628

Are gringos falling from the sky?
Yes, El Guapo...
Yes, El Guapo...
I have named him Dusty Bottoms-one of the Three Amigos, for his broad dust cloud forming an impressive equatorial band. You can also see when zoomed in that the band is deformed, most likely by the gravitational interaction with of one or both of the other two amigos. Dusty is an edge-on spiral galaxy and was brought to my attention by the Zookeepers at Galaxy Zoo, honoring him as Object of the Day, on the GZ Forum.
By the way, NGC stands for New General Catalog which is what space geeks use to keep track of the pretty lights in the sky.
In other news, life goes on out here much as it always does. We are tracking the next hurricane (or soon to be hurricane), bearing down Belize, I believe. Whatever, it looks to stay South of the GoM and that is what counts.
The lovebugs are dying, already. Seems they have a short lifespan and it looks as if half are already dead. Take heart-they died doing what they do best, dying off in couples...
Today is hump day, half-way through the trip. We are all showing signs of the wear and tear, circles under the eyes, short tempers and bad backs.
hasta mañana...
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muchos méritos.
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