Because my ships are required to run a 24/7 operation, we almost never port. This means we are supplied and bunkered (pumped full of gasoline, or water) at sea. Supply ships motor out to wherever we are, come alongside and tie up to us while we are doing our thing. Supplies are craned across while hoses are slung between ships. Usually, the whole operation lasts a few hours and our last supply was no exception from what I've heard-it happened early in the morning and I was off-shift and sleeping.
However, this time we were given more than bunkers and supplies. Have you ever seen lovebugs? Plecia nearctica is also known as the two-headed bug, telephone bug and the march fly. Evidently, they are quite common in the gulf coast states and Central America and now, my ship. Several flew over from the supply ship and were transferred over on our supplies. Within days, they covered my ship. I'm reminded of the shrimp that occasionally shut down our operations with their noisy copulations. These damn love bugs are ALWAYS mating. One wonders where they find the time to eat, shower and catch a movie.
Walking down the port side shelter deck today I was instantly covered in sweaty, moaning love bugs. Other than the couple who crawled into my left ear to be alone, they have no shame, grunting and thrusting in wild abandon all over me. Midly repusive to say the least and yet another reminder that everyone but us is getting some...
Totally off subject.
I just finished my last Pasty.
Life is good.
Good for you! Home-made, or Yooper-bought? speaking of Yooper-made, do you have a favorite pasty outlet? My two favorites are Sheldon Bakery in Houghton, or Cozy Corner Bar in South Range. Connie's Kitchen in Ahmeek, or Mohawk (can't remember which) used to have the best.
Straight from my beloved UP. We just got back from MI. My brother brought them down for us. I'll have to ask what place he got them. I know these were different from the little blue store by his house that I got last time.
I haven't been to Houghton since I was 12.
We live north of Houston. Lovebugs are usually at massive strength from spring through, well, now. But, this year where the hell are they?
Seriously, they are annoying, but I'm wondering if they've discovered a better honeymoon spot.
i now have a reincarnation wish.
Seriously, never heard of them and me hates bugs. But for them to be getting their groove on all over you and one couple got in yer ear?? OMFG. Um, me ranks that way way worse than the shrimps. At least the shrimps aint landing on ya and getting their groove on. GROSS!!!
Hey, at least someone is getting something even if it aint you and yer crew. Poor dears. ;) ;)
Yea, yea me is all heart huh?? ;)
I find it fascinating that you are all stuck out at sea surrounded by creatures that are constantly mating. So ironic, no? Hee hee.
Good day !.
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