The Leo Kottke concert we attended last night was wonderful. I love music and what better way to follow up a classic Kottke show than to head out to the beach, on the shore of the largest freshwater
lake in the world. (By the way, if you live in South Carolina, my lake is bigger than your state)

Once every summer, on a very remote beach called
Agate, a gathering of people occurs. The impetus for this change in the population density from zero to about 300 is the need for acoustic pleasure. For two days, the soul-soothing sounds of hollow-body guitars, mandolins, fiddles, dobros and all things acoustic waft among the pines and wash over the rustic campground as the waves from Gichigami wash over the beach, just a few short yards from the small, hand-built plywood stage where the music is made.

The silences between acts were filled with the laughter of children playing on the campground swings next to the stage. From my lawn chair on the grass, I could keep one eye on the stage and one on my daughter as she played.

I guess the same could be said for the view from PW's chair-she was able to keep one eye on me as LP pushed me on the swings.

A gentle, cooling breeze from the mighty Superior kept us cool and refreshed

and was delightfully mixed with smoke from campfires and barbecue grills, and yes, that can make you hungry. If you aren't camping at the beach for the weekend and didn't bring food, the jamboree boasts a small concession stand that offers the grilled staples, nachos, drinks and ice cream. Next to the concession window I found these two drawings---

LP didn't notice the drawings, but was intent on getting those munchies...

I spent most of the day slumped in my lawnchair, watching the kids and the acts, occasionally nodding off and dreaming about walking in the woods with a bluegrass band following me around. PW and the kids split for a while to sample the other delight here...

Here at the jamboree, if the mood suits you, the beach offers a refreshing break from the music.

The kids hunted for agates, splashed in the cold, Superior water and dug holes in the sand.

All in all, a relaxing, fun day in the sun and fresh air, far from the things in life that wear us all down. The music, food and people were great, the scenery beautiful and for me, as soon as I saw this scene, the day was summed up as music on the beach...
damn. jist damn.
i'm glad it was so good.
pout. pout.
Wanted to let you know you have been given an award. It will eventually be posted on me blog for you to accept .
What an awesome day. How cold is the lake?
Jay, the year-round average temperature is around 34 degrees. Its very deep and very cold. The highest surface temperature ever recorded on Superior was just last year, I believe, at 75 degrees over in the shallower, east end.
I went to a Leo K. concert over 30 years ago in Honolulu. I had never heard his music and totally enjoyed myself.
Sounds like the pirate crew had a great time.
Wonder how far a drive that would be for us... Might have to check it out.
Sounds like a wonderful time was had by all.
Yer LP is a cutie that's for sure.
That looks SO fun. We can't swim in our lake because it's poisonous. Sigh. Such a waste... Lake Michigan...
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